Well, it's over. Today was my last day as a teacher. I spent it not in the classroom, but playing football, throwing colored powder around like a whimsical child, and being thanked by my students. Each class made us a card, and presented it to us with well wishes for the future, and sweet hugs goodbye. There is a hurricane of emotions inside me. Mostly I feel numb, I am happy to have completed a task, to have taught a group of students something that I hope they will use in the future. I am happy to see how much they truly loved our classes, and how much fun we had. But I am distraught at the realization that I will perhaps never see some of these faces again. Of course we still have until May before our actual departure, but still the thought remains like a knot in my heart.
Instead of rambling on about my feelings, I will share some of the messages they wrote on our cards.
"We will miss you ma'am because you are very friendly, caring and lovable to us. You are not only a teacher to us but also a motivator." -Class 9
"Dear Molly ma'am I will miss you for every long days Love, Hephziba" -Class 4
"To dear molly ma'am, I hope you that may 5th you are going back to America. we all miss you dear. You are best in Speaking English always. I like you very much. And also I love you darling. And also god bless your Home, parents and you. Thank you for teching us ma'am. From Josin Joy When you go anywhere don't forget our Holy cross school and the students. We will miss you dear" -Class 2(but definitely had some help from class 5 older sister)
"To my dear Molly ma'am, special thanks for caring, for love and tenderness, your patience and generosity, and boundless thoughtfulness. Your imprint lives forever in my heart and in my mind! With love, Ganga" -Class 7
"Ma'am, you are a good teacher. You understood the fact that we didn't understand your politics class. Thank u for everything. Shintumol" -Class 10 (Can't win them all I guess)
"Ma'am, Mollykutty, love you very much. You are my BFF ❤️❤️ ! By: Aleena" -Class 10
I learned so much from these human beings. We had our ups and downs, but I love them with every fiber of my being, and I can't believe it's all over. Thank you Holy Cross School. I'll be back.
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